December 2nd, 2018
Absent: None
Teachers: Katherine Loquinario, Shiela Dela Cruz and Roger Dugan III
Hello Class 1
Warm up: Routine Questions and Self Introduction
Lesson: Review of Opposites
Target Language: "What`s the opposite of...?" and "It`s..."
Hello Class 2
Warm up: Routine Questions and Self Introduction
Review Lesson: ABC and Phonics
Lesson: The Sea Side
Target Languages:
Question: "What's that?"
Answer:"It's the beach"
Orange Class 1
Warm up: Routine Questions and Self IntroductionLesson: Review the topic about Transport and Introduction of the next lesson about My House.
Target Language: (Question)"Do you go by...?" or "How do you go to...?" and (Answer) "I go by..." or "Yes, I do." and No, I don`t."
New Lesson: My house "It`s a..."
Orange Class 2
Warm up: Routine Questions and Self Introduction
Review Lesson:
Lesson: Parties and Goodies
Question: "Can i have cake?"
Answer: "Yes you can"
Red Class
Warm up: Routine Questions and Self Introduction
Review Lesson: Phonics, AI, AY, EA, EE, EY
Lesson: Regular Verbs
Learned how to transform regular verbs to part form.
Adult Class
Lesson: (Oxford) Renting and Leasing a House and (American Headway) Teaching Job
