February 24, 2019
Orange book class
Review lesson: Transportation ("I go by train")
Lesson: My house ("it's chimney") ("it's the kitchen")
We Can 1 book
Review lesson: Clock ("What time is it" "It's 8 o'clock")
Lesson: Introduction ("welcome" "take a seat please")
New lesson: Conversation ("Hello" "Hi" "What's your name?" "My name's Koharu")
We Can Starter Class
Review: Action verb chunk
We Can 4 book class
Warm up: Question and answer ("What is she doing?" "She is teaching english" "Can you teach english to your friends?" "yes i can teach english to my friends")
Review Lesson: Hey Fiddle Fiddle
Lesson: Irregular verbs ("I broke my leg" "my dad had an operation")