February 25th, 2019
Morning class
Lesson: Mathematics (addition using blocks, flash cards and worksheet)
familiarization of numbers and identifying numbers using blocks and flashcards.
Tea time and Lunch time
After school
Snack Timep
Regular Nursery Class
Lesson: Mathematics (writing numbers and counting)
Warm up: Noun ("It's an x-ray" "It's a clock")
Lesson: Book song review and action verb chunks ("hold up two fingers" "do a finger puppet show")
Activity: A go (question and answer game)
Lesson: Book song review and action verb chunks ("hold up two fingers" "do a finger puppe
We Can Starter book class
Review lesson: My house
Lesson: Things we wear
Activity: answered the we can workbook
Adult Class
OPD book: Back from the market (fruits) Additional conversation about Foreigners in Japan
Conversation about good places in the Philippines
if you’re going to recommend a place to go